Im Gemälde wird die Raumfrage zur Narration der “ geteilten Strecke”. Anonyme Menschenfiguren gleichen vereinzelten Strichen einer Uhrenanzeige, die in Abständen zueinander ihre langen Schatten durch die Leere der Landschaft zum Horizont bahnen. Unbestimmt klafft die Zeit im Abstand der Zwischenräume “Ende offen”.
“end open” // Nanako Shikata// Stefan Seitz// painting and sculpture |
The gallery invites to the show of current works of two frormer students of Balkenhols masterclass; Stefan Seitz and Nanako Shikata.
On the face of it peregrine and differing, the matter of space seems to smolder inside both works, the fine paper art as and the wooden sculptures. Considering the sculptures; space takes form as an “empty” direction and intrinsic impulse of movement. The almost pending wooden figure “Carlos” points notably to its open negative space, interspace and distance.
In painting the question of spacing becomes the narration of a “shared distance”. Anonymous figures resemble to the separated lines of a clock index, blazing a trail of shadows in the middle of nowhere to the horizon. Uncertain gapes the time in the space between “open end”.
in der Michaela Helfrich Galerie
12049 Berlin-Neukölln